XIV Workshop on Partial Differential Equations
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Tipo de evento: Workshop
DESCRIPTIONOne of the main goals of the meeting is to promote, encourage and bring together the interaction between theoretical and applied scientists to establish an interdisciplinary forum to discuss recent developments and results.We hope to create an environment capable of providing fruitful and promising interchange and discussions among the participants on the intriguing and challenging problems in Partial Differential Equations.MAIN TOPICSStabilization Problems of Hiperbolic SystemsStabilization of Partially Dissipative Systems and System with Undefined DampingThermoelasticity, Magnetoelasticity and ViscoelasticityModelling of Smart MaterialsControl of Distribuited SystemsConservation Lawsand related subjects.There will be plenary talks, 30-minute lectures, 20-minute communications and POSTER presentations. You are cordially invited to attend.
Data Início: 22/09/2015 Data Fim: 25/09/2015
Coordenadores: Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera - LNCC - UFRJ / Brasil - LNCC - rivera@lncc.br Pedro Gamboa Romero - UFRJ / Brasil - UFRJ - pgamboa@im.ufrj.br Hugo Fernández Sare UFRJ, Brazil - LNCC / UFRJ - LNCC / UFRJ - hugosare@lncc.br Xavier Carvajal Paredes - - UFRJ - Marcelo Cavalcanti - UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM - mmcavalcanti@uem.br Mauro de Lima Santos - UFPA - Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA - Martha H. Timoteo Sanchez - - LNCC -
Instituições Envolvidas: Instituto de Matemática Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Local: Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Endereço: Av. Getúlio Vargas, 333 - Quitandinha - Petrópolis
Telefone: 24 22336101
Fax: 24 22336217
Contato: Eventos - eventos@lncc.br
Apoio Financeiro: CAPES FAPERJ
Comitê Técnico Científico (Programa): Bernadete Miara - Université Paris-Est ESIEE - Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo - UNICAMP / Brasil - UNICAMP Irena Lasiecka - - Michael Renardy - - Mitsuhiro Nakao - Kyushu University - Octavio Paulo Vera Villagrán - Universidad del Bío-Bío - UBB Reinhard Racke - Konstanz University / Germany - Roberto Triggiani - University of Virginia - Vilmos Komornik - U.Strasbourg I/Louis Pasteur / France - Zhuangyi Liu - University of Minnesota at Duluth / USA -
Secretaria: Eventos - -